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  • Writer's pictureShelly Kay

Joyful Freedom Through ***Soul Sprinkles***

Updated: Apr 11, 2021

Let’s talk about Soul Sprinkles! Soul Sprinkles are those bubbly, feel good tingles we get every time we hear, see, feel, taste, touch, sense, experience something that speaks directly to and touches our Soul. We all have those experiences that bring on the Soul Sprinkles. When someone tells us a story we resonate with, even when we don’t fully understand why, we get sprinkled from head to toe from our Soul. When we take in beauty from our surroundings, fully in the moment and immersed in peace, we experience Soul Sprinkles. Our soul is sprinkled when touched by a loved one, and we are touched with all of our senses, on all levels.

My Coaching program helps people live their most preferred life, by bringing their authentic selves to the surface.

We start the process by getting acquainted with our inner rainbow. We clear out blocks in our communication with vital aspects of inner guidance. When each color of the rainbow is cleared of muck, it shines brightly, spins beautifully and fuels our fire for action.

When the channels are clear, Soul Sprinkles flow. When Soul Sprinkles flow, life feels good. When life feels good, magnificent changes are made.

Whether we have extensive knowledge of energy centers within us, or have not even heard the word, “Chakra” as they are called, healing happens when we focus on our personal, energetic rainbow of colors spinning within.

Each of the basic colors of the rainbow are representative of colors we all have whirling in our energy centers. One does not have to study Chakras, or energy centers, in order to journey to and through them, and get to know them within ourselves. They are a miraculously colorful part of who we are.

We all know what it’s like to feel stuck, like we just don’t quite know how to proceed to the next step in our lives. We all know what a horrible, helpless feeling that can be. We may have made what seems like endless efforts to dive deep into the muck, in order to reveal our blocks, or what is troubling us. I’ve discovered that it can be easier and even joyful when we instead focus on bringing treasures to the surface and say, “pleased to meet you!” This deepens our understanding of who we are and what we are made of, without getting mired down in the muck.

The Lotus Flower, through its life cycle, spends half of it’s time cozied up in the muddy darkness at the bottom of the river. This is for the purpose of rejuvenating, building strength, preparing for the time when it will make it’s spiral to the surface and bloom beautifully once again. The Lotus repeats this cycle daily, soaking up the rays of the sun by day and spiraling to the cozy, muddy darkness by night. Much like the Lotus, aspects of ourselves will dive deep into darkness until time for rebirth arrives. We all have treasures within, perhaps some of them long ago forgotten, yet ready to reemerge in divine timing. These treasures bring blessings to ourselves, and the world around us.

Quite often, what we desire in our lives is currently in the dark, covered in muck. At this stage it becomes difficult to recognize our treasures, until they spiral up, are cleansed by the waters of spirit and kissed by the sun of our Soul, encouraged to bloom once again.

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