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Power Rainbow Process (PRP)

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

Happy second day of Spring!! Here it is Sunday morning, first time to sit down and write all week. I am pleased with the direction love is taking me. The subject for this week's writing began speaking to me on Monday afternoon as I was walking my dog. It popped into my head several times during twinkly moments throughout the week...then popped out...then in again. Lol... let's just say, by the end of spring cleaning, organizing and projects with my son yesterday, I had no clear idea what form this week's writing should take. Though, I'm happy to report, there was no anxiety or disappointment with myself connected to this ambivalence. I knew the story was cooking. My vivid dreamworld last night sent another clear message of how our powerful, internal rainbow works and the benefits of consciously tuning in and getting to know our inner strengths and treasures.

Through the on going development of "Soul Sprinkles Life Coaching," the "Power Rainbow Process" came sparkling through. As I look closer, I realize it began speaking to me many years ago, during conversations with my cousin Donna. Her curiosity and ability to ask all the right questions, stirred me to begin development of this process. Donna's elephant like memory for hanging onto details and bringing them out of storage at the perfect moments, served to keep the Rainbow Mission alive. The Rainbow appeared to me once again during my experience with a Consecrated Personal Mission (CPM) training. CPM is a 2yr journey of inner exploration, created and taught by Aurora Hill. Aurora is a writer, creator of Gathering Thyme Ministries, facilitator of DreamScape Conciousness and a treasured friend and soul sister forever. She is an inspiration to me and her community. With 5 other participants, who quickly became closely connected soul sisters, we took a long and fascinating journey of discovery in regards to our unique purpose at this time in our lives. We all have within us bountiful gifts. When these gifts are summoned to the surface, prolific blessings for ourselves and the world around us emerge with them.

If I were to create a working definition of the "Power Rainbow Process, (PRP)" it might go something like this; "The process of summoning our innate wisdom, strengths, gifts and talents, uniquely and readily available to each of us; for the purpose of bringing our dreams into reality. " The "Rainbow," I am referring to has to do with the swirling energy centers stirring our inner waters of creativity and expression of life. They are made up of all the colors of the Rainbow and everything in between. These centers are most often referred to as "Chakras." The Soul Sprinkles journey connects you so authentically to your own inner endowment, you could potentially call these whirlpools whatever name fits your colorful self. I do not have extensive knowledge of "Chakras" per se, nor do I have any immediate plans to deepen my general knowledge of them. My gift is one of traveling with someone to their inner stirrings. During these travels we listen, look and intuit signs of whatever aspects of self are coming forth, to assist with bringing about solutions to present needs, wants, or desired changes. I have acquired many tools throughout my life; education, many years in the realm of social work, spiritual workshops, most important of all, life experience. I suppose one could say, this process is *ahem* 55 plus years in the making.

My plan this week is to further demonstrate the application and effectiveness of PRP. Each day this week, I will journey to and explore one color of my Rainbow and share the messages I receive. If you'll notice, the design of my Soul Sprinkles site is made up of "Sprinkles" for every color of the Rainbow. This week, I will post in one per day. The request I take to my Rainbow is: "Show me more about my path to freedom and well being in all areas of my life." WHOA!! TOO LOFTY!! Nah, not for my Power Rainbow! New developments in my life are already pointing me in this direction and more tangible evidence is presenting daily. My thyroid and digestive system are thanking me. Everyday brings an increase in balanced energy and clarity of thought. This is due to my continued diligence with making dietary changes at a pace I can handle with ease. I continue building my calluses with my guitar and I even acquired a USB Studio Microphone to plug in and record singing and meditations to share. Speaking of singing, I am doing much more of that... more on that later. SO MUCH TO SHARE!! I hope this upcoming week brings you inspiration and LOTS of sparkly moments.

Oh yes, AND, baby Jesus you see pictured at the top represents support, love and protection from the highest realm. Is it any wonder this little doll was found by my son as he was sweeping off my garage roof? Just how does a little doll end up on the roof? Again, soooo much I could say about Jesus. He's been a constant comfort and encouragement for me since I was a wee one. How appropriate for him to make a pronounced appearance during this time of transition.

Thank you for your presence and interest here at Soul Sprinkles Station. Have a beautiful Sunday if you please.

Good food and rescued chickens are two more highlights of my week!

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